
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Rayfire Wall Breaking Tutorial For beginers in 3ds Max

Hello, welcome to my blog i presenting you a little tutorial for breaking walls in rayfire. This tutorial is for beginers who wants to make some cool demoltion effects in 3ds max. That's why it is divided in steps. So there we go -

1. First of all open 3ds max and you will get a blank viewport like this - 

2. Then go the primitives and create a ground plane and a wall which is a box of your desired size. Be carefull when selecting the size for wall do not make it thick as it will not create good result. Here is what i have. -

3. Then we will make an object which will act like a bullet to break the wall. You can choose anything but i choosed a sphere for that purpose. So, make a sphere of deired radius and place it in the front of wall.

4. The next is to animmate the sphere object so it appers to go through the wall destroying it. for that first click on autokey button on the bottom right corner just below the timeline. And you will see your viewport's border become red. Then go to the first frame and place your ball right in front of wall like this -

Then move the time slider to frame 15 and move your sphere to the opposite side of wall right through the wall like this -

 Now turn off auto key and the animating part is done.

5. Now since we have animated the sphere we will have to fragment the wall into fragments. For that you can use the fragments tab in rayfire window but that is used for instant fragmentation and is not very good for our purpose. I will use the rayfire fragmenter modifier because it is much better than the fragments tab in rayfire window and gives you a better control over the fragmentation process. So select your wall go to the modify tab and add the rayfire fragmenter modifier to the wall.

 Now you will see the parameters of the fragmenter modifier. Most of the parameters are godd by default we don't need to change those, but just few. So change the count from 20 (default value) to 100 to get more nice result. And then click on fragment button and you will see your walls divided into fragments like this -

 NOTE - I've choosen the count property of 100 so it can run in low specs CPu's also. But if you have a mid end or high end PC i reccomend you atleast 250 for a good result as 100 is very low and does not look very realistic if you are demolishing a wall in a big project or making a vfx film.

If you are not able to see fragments press F4 to toggle 'Edged faces' and you will see the fragments clearly. Now if you are not happy with fragments you change the seed to get your desred result and you can also increase the count to get more good looking result but it will also increase the time of simulation depending on your CPU. At last if your are satisfied with fragments click on detach button to detach each fragment as an separate object. And the Fragmentation Process is finished.

6. Now, since the animation and fragmentation part is done we will use the rayfire to make the demolishion effects.
 So open the rayfire floater from create tab --> geometry tab --> 'rayfire' menu --> 'rayfire' button --> 'open rayfire floater' button and a new rayfire window will appear. You will see two lists one for dynamic bodies and one for static and kinematic bodies. carefully Select all the fragments of the wall and then click on add button under the 'dynamic/impacts' objects list. Also select the sphere and add it in the dynamic objects list. Finally add the plane in the static and kinematics object list.

7. In this step we will change some parameters of simualtion and simulate the breaking of wall. So, Go to the physics tab in rayfire floater and you will see a property called start frame this is very important for us. In this field you will have to specify the frame in which the simulation should be started.
 Specify that frame in which the sphere is just about to hit the wall. Make sure that it has not hit the wall yet like this (my frame is 8 but yours can be different depending on how much you moved your sphere in step 4) - 

It is neccessary to set this frame carefully or it will lead to undesireable effects. There is also a property called Time scale you can change that to create slow-motion effects. 
Now as we have all things set up let's destroy the wall by clicking simulate and see the wall breaking realistic. 

You may notice that sphere initially had more speed but after colliding it reduces and it follows the realistic path (parabolic, to be natural), even though we animated it, and you know what, That's the power of RAYFIRE. Rayfire detects the speed of object even when its animated and then interpolates it in physics simulation. 

Note - To make the simulation more accurate and realistic you can increase the count  property in rayfire fragmenter.

8. We can now assign materials to the objects, to make it look fancy and a little bit wow!!

That's All for this tutorial have a good day. I hope you like it and feel free to suggest, complain or thanks via comments. If someone has any problem in following this tutorial please ask me the problem and i will help you. bye.

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